Engineering a full-stack ChatGPT clone

Role: Full Stack Engineering

ai messenger


This project was built out of curiosity for the new wave of tech that everyone is talking about- Artificial Intelligence. Sounds scary, right? In fact, machine learning tools such as ChatGPT are useful in many ways. The GPT-3 model that this program employs can be used to generate high-quality text for copywriting tasks, including product descriptions, marketing materials, and headlines. It can also summarize long texts by extracting the most important information, presenting it in a clear and concise manner. This model can also be used to translate text into other languages and so much more. Think of it like Google but way more impressive 🤯.

This project was built using the Next.js framework which makes it fast and easy to use. I used TypeScript and React for the front end and TailwindCSS to optimize the styling. User data is stored securely on a Firebase backend which is accessed by Google OAuth - allowing users to sign in with their gmail accounts instead of creating a new account. Due to the data persistence layer, users can return to previous AI chats every time they access the app. Try it out and remember - the more specific the prompt, the better the answer will be.